About Us

About us

sophub is a spin-off of a leading danish consultancy firm specialized in supply chain and business planning. We are top-graded consultants, who have gathered our expertice in the sophub method and system..

The team behind sophub has collected decades of experience with business forecast proces, inventory optimazation, the organisation around it and implementing tools like SAP, Kinaxis and Relex. We have learned IT systems can not solve the planning task alone. Only the perfect combination of people, method and technology will drive you to a perfect forecast and good service levels at lowest possible costs.

sophub is not another IT system. We combine people, methods and tools to reach KPI improvements of 25-30%. Our research based methods and advanced self-learning algorithms reduce you demand planning task. You basically only have to review 5-15% of your port folio to gain the improvements of 25-30% more precise forecasts and reduce your inventories with 15-25%

Helping companies digitalize their forecasting processes is our speciality.